The Gallery of Caribbean Art in historic Speightstown is one of the largest and best-appointed fine art galleries in the Caribbean.This impressive exhibition space features a large selection of Barbadian and Caribbean art, and the display is constantly updated so the Gallery always has a fresh, engaging face.

Art on display is not limited to mounted paintings but includes a wide variety of media, from sculptures in metal, clay or wood to silk painting and batiks. Monthly individual and group exhibitions are held which attract local interest as well as visiting collectors and art enthusiasts.

You can view a 360 degree virtual tour of the gallery by clicking the multimedia tab above. Then click the 'Select View' button in the top left hand corner of the virtual tour for additional views.

The directors and staff of the Gallery of Caribbean Art are knowledgeable and very friendly, which only serves to enhance your visit. They can arrange shipping to any destination and all major credit cards are accepted.

If you'd like a sneak peak before you visit, the Gallery of Caribbean Art invites you to explore their website to see what is currently available.